Prebirth cervical ripening treatments begin one month before your due date. These weekly treatments get you ready for labor. Issues like anxiety, swollen ankles, and other complaints that typically occur in late pregnancy can be addressed at the same time.
Comfortably positioned on a recliner, this simple treatment is designed to soften the cervix so the body is ripe and ready to deliver on time.
Breech Birth and Moxibustion
Simple moxibustion treament is demonstrated, points are marked with a surgical marking pen for at home daily treatment. You will receive sufficient high quality moxa sticks at your appointment to get your baby to reposition without trauma or scary procedures.
Labor Induction
Typically this treatment is provided at due date or past due date.
Acupuncture labor induction treatment can be coupled with a membrane sweep done by doctor or midwife, which predictably accelerates the arrival of true labor.